An operation performed on a lathe that feeds a tool at an angle to the length of the work piece in order to create a conical shape.
Taper turning on lathe can be produced by
1) Taper Turning by Tail-stock set-over method
2) Taper Turning by Swiveling the compound rest method
3) Taper Turning by Taper turning attachment method
4) Taper Turning by Form tool method
2) Taper turning on lathe can be produced by
Answer is:
all of the above

Related ISRO Technician-B Turner Question Paper - 2019 (Set-1) with Answer Key
Answer is:
A small hole drilled into a material to guide a larger drill
Answer is:
lock the reading after setting it over the work piece
The lock nut is simply a quarter turn nut that locks the spindle from turning. The sleeve contains the scale which is used to determine the measurement and the internal threads which allow the spindle to move.