28) For best result of annealing the heated steel is cooled
Answer is:
slowly in the furnace itself by switching off the heat supply
Related KPSC ITI JTO Turner Question Papers - 2018 with Answer Key
Answer is:
Square thread
Answer is:
Ball peen hammer
A ball-peen or ball pein hammer, also known as a machinist's hammer, is a type of peening hammer used in metalworking. It has two heads, one flat and the other, called the peen, rounded.
Ball Peen Hammer is used for light tapping and hard striking purposes while punching, bending, straightening, chipping, forging, riveting and planishing.
Ball Peen hammers is used for forming a rivet head by spreading the shank of the rivet
![Which one of the following type of hammers is used for farming a rivet head by spreading the shank of rivet?](https://mcqfinder.in/uploads/images/question-papers/kpsc-iti-jto-turner-2018/kpsc-iti-jto-turner-2018-id-30-e.jpg)
Answer is: