Planing machine
A planer is a type of metalworking machine tool that uses linear relative motion between the workpiece and a single-point cutting tool to cut the work piece. A planer is similar to a shaper, but larger, and with workpiece moving, whereas in a shaper the cutting tool moves.
The job reciprocates in Planing machine and tool is stationary.

Reduce operation time
During the return stroke, the mechanism is so designed to make the tool move at a faster rate to reduce the idle return time. This mechanism is known as quick return mechanism. As the ram moves at a faster rate during return stroke, the time taken becomes less.

Knurling is a process of impressing a diamond shaped or straight line pattern into the surface of a workpiece by using specially shaped hardened metal wheels to improve its appearance and to provide a better gripping surface.
Knurling operation is done on lathe machine.

Chamfering: Chamfering is the operation of beveling the extreme end of the work piece. The form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose. Chamfering is an essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass freely on the threaded work piece.

Width of jaws
The size of the engineer's vice is stated by the width of the 150mm parallel jaw bench vice.