Knurling is a process of impressing a diamond shaped or straight line pattern into the surface of a workpiece by using specially shaped hardened metal wheels to improve its appearance and to provide a better gripping surface.
Knurling operation is done on lathe machine.
3) Knurling is the operation done on

ISRO Technician-B Machinist Question Paper - 2019 (Set -1) with Answer Key
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Chamfering: Chamfering is the operation of beveling the extreme end of the work piece. The form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose. Chamfering is an essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass freely on the threaded work piece.

Width of jaws
The size of the engineer's vice is stated by the width of the 150mm parallel jaw bench vice.

Heavy volume of material can be removed
A grinding machine or grinder is an industrial power tool that uses an abrasive wheel for cutting or removing the material.
It is a process of metal cutting by using a rotating abrasive wheel from the surface of the workpiece.
Generally, the grinding is finishing operation to show the high surface quality, accuracy of the shape and dimension.

Brittle material
Discontinuous chips Discontinuous chips are usually formed during machining of brittle materials like cast iron. The low cutting speed and small rake angle of the tool are responsible for the formation of discontinuous chips.
Continuous chips Continuous chips are produced during machining of ductile materials like mild steel. The high cutting speed and large rake angle of the tool will result in the formation of continuous chips. These chips are in the form of long coils having the same thickness throughout.
Continuous chips with built up edge Continuous chips with built up edge are also produced during machining of ductile materials. The low cutting speed and small rake angle of the tool will result in the formation of continuous chips with built up edge. These chips are also formed when the cutting edge of the tool is dull.